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Time investment

The precise amount of time needed to follow this course depends for a large part on how much effort you devote to each topic, your available time, your learning pace, etc. However, the in-person course setup we used in previous years was a full-day course (with quite a high pace).

For the Basics course the time spent on the different subjects and their assignments in that setup is shown below. This might give you some idea on the relative depth of the topics.

Topic Time in schedule (previous in-person course) Videos (this course)
Introduction 30 minutes 5 minutes
Blender basics 120 minutes 45 minutes
Importing data 30 minutes 30 minutes
Rendering, lighting & materials 105 minutes 65 minutes
Simple mesh editing 30 minutes 20 minutes
Basic animation 45 minutes 35 minutes

For the Advanced course it is hard to give a general indication of the expected time investment needed for the course. It depends partially on your own goals and ambitions for the main task: the project of visualizing your own data in the way you see fit.

In terms of topics the Advanced materials and Animation chapters are relatively straightforward and can probably be completed in a day. In contrast, Python scripting in Blender is a very extensive topic and can end up taking a lot of time if you want to work with the more complex parts of the API.

Last update: 28 November 2023 17:30:25